Wednesday, 2 January 2013

YOU Beauty Advent Calendar - my thoughts

Now I know I'm super late with this, I had intended to blog throughout December, but a weekend in London, a few days in Northumberland, my Birthday the week before Christmas and then trying to keep up with work in between all of those things stopped me. So its now 2013 and I'm finally reviewing an advent calendar!

Here's my fully opened You Beauty advent calendar in all its glory:

Now if you read my last blog post you'll know I was super disappointed when the half price code was released just after I'd bought the calendar full price, so I have to admit the whole experience was a tad 'marred' but I still loved most of the items in the calendar. Here are my favourite products:

I liked the addition of a candle for pampering times and have been meaning to buy both an eyelash curler and nail file so they were great finds in the calendar. I'm also very happy with more Dermalogica products and to try STEAMCREAM.

Here are the products I'm just slightly impressed by:

And here are the products I'm really not bothered by at all:

If anyone is interested in doing a swop for these let me know, I'll put some details up about swopping in the next few days.

So overall after the initial excitement I have to say the YOU beauty advent calendar didn't quite live up to expectations. I think I'll still get it next year but I'll definitely hang on to get the half price code which I'm sure will be released!

I've also seen various blogger mentioning that in 2013 they are avoiding beauty boxes and using the money they would have spent on them to buy one item they actually want for the same price. I think I'll be trying to adopt this approach a bit more myself. Though I'm sure I'll succumb every now and then!



  1. I loved the Advent Calendar but agree I was furious when they gave out the half price code. The only thing I didn't like was the Yardley Royal English Daisy spray x

    1. It is quite old fashioned smelling isn't it? However as I get through about a body spray week I'm sure it'll be used very quickly! x


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